This is a long post incoming, just be prepared. J
I loathe exercise. There. I finally said it.
I thought for a long time that I just hadn’t found “that one special exercise for me.” So I tried out a lot of exercises. Walking, running, swimming, golfing, tennis, weight lifting, and aerobics just to name a few. I just didn’t enjoy hardly any of them.
So then it dawned on me that the majority of Americans (once myself included) are getting fat for two reasons (mostly): increase in calories (fast food, crazy food portions, sugary drinks) and a lack of movement (which can include exercise, but mostly we just have become more sedentary). In lieu of exercising, I changed my routine to walking (for fun, in the outdoors, with my family) and a general increase in movement.
Exactly what does a “general increase in movement” entail? I suspect my husband adores me because I have taken on majority of the household chores. Putting up clothes, folding laundry, doing dishes, cleaning, making beds, making dinner just to name a few. I knew my biggest problem was at work. I work at a desk job for 8 hours a day. That is a crazy amount of just… sitting. I walk 15 minutes at 10AM and 3PM every day, but I still feel like I could do more with my wasted sitting time.
So yesterday, I bought this:
I needed to find a way to move while working. I researched and found the tread-desk. Have you all seen how cool these things are? The people who use them walk 1-2 MPH all day long. They burn up to an additional 1000 calories PER DAY! Unfortunately, they cost $1,000 plus. I did find out that my company is test marketing them at their corporate offices, but that wouldn’t trickle down to the branch offices for a long, long, time, even if it ever makes it out of the test market.
So since I don’t have an extra $1,000 (more like $2,000) sitting around, and because my company loves to test market ideas for years, I decided to buy a cheap mini-cycle. Today, July 3rd, marks exactly 4 months until my vacation. I know to lose the next 30 or so pounds, I am going to have to work at it. There comes a point where sticking to 1200 calorie intake per day isn’t going to be enough, and I have to find a way to export some of those calories to create a bigger deficit.
So here’s to four months, and reaching 165 pounds.