Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Food For Thought.

-There is no federal legislation that protects the civil rights of fat workers, and only one state, Michigan, bans discrimination on the basis of weight.
-In one study, more than half of the 620 primary care doctors questioned for one study described obese patients as “awkward, unattractive, ugly, and unlikely to comply with treatment.”
- One recent study shows that the higher a patient’s body mass, the less respect doctors express for that patient.
-Most doctors advise they don’t bother telling a patient they are overweight, and attempt to counsel them on their weight, because they don’t think they’ll listen or do anything about it.
-Overweight people are one of the last people to not only have prejudices against them, but it be OK to have prejudices against them.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm not officially logging it, since it's not a Monday weigh-in, but this morning the scale loved me. I don't want to get too excited until I see 1xx several days in a row, but I have to admit it feels REALLY good. I hope to never see 2xx again. EVER.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Weigh-In 6/25/2012

Previous:              201.0
Today:                  200.0
Loss:                        -1.0
My body is giving me the preverbial middle finger. I think it's laughing at me. ;)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weigh-In 6/18/2012

Previous:              202.8
Today:                   201.0
Loss:                        -1.8
Two weeks, and only a 1.8 pound loss. Very sad panda that I didn't make 199.9 before vacation, but very happy that I didn't gain on vacation, haha!
I am glad to be back, it is SO much easier to stick to the plan when you have your routine. I can't wait to find some time to catch up on my blog readings!
Happy week, ya'll!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Previous:              205.4
Today:                   202.8
Loss:                        -2.6
Now.. I'm tryin' hard here not to make any assumptions about this new green coffee extract until the 2 weeks is up but... Wow. I'm not sure if it is the extract itself or the placebo effect, but either way I'll take it. I have 2.9 pounds to go before Saturday.... I think I can, I think I can....
On a side note, in .3lbs the BMI nazis will no longer consider me obese, just overweight. I can't believe it. :)
Did you all watch Extreme Make-Over Weight Loss Edition??