Monday, November 19, 2012

Weigh-In 11/19/2012

Previous:    173.4
Today:        172.6
Loss:           -   0.8

At least I'm on a downward trend again!

It's a short week, and I am excited.

I visited my dermatologist this morning who consulted with me about skin removal (and removed some rogue moles). He supports my decision to start surgery proceedings at the end of next year, and he made sure to note my skin irritation. I love him. :)

I've decided to focus on 150, and if I get feeling too skinny by then I'll stop.

My relatives have just switched from "you need to lose weight" to "you've lost enough, you need to stop." Ahh - the joys of the holidays.

Happy Thanksgiving loves!


  1. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. Now that we know it's not about the food, we can enjoy our families (even the annoying ones). We can smile and nod when those comments come about having lost too much and eat our turkey and vegetables and whatever else is good for us. I am going to have some wine however. Take care.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, girlie! Enjoy!

  3. Yay for downward trends! Yay for awesome derms! Yay for vocal families. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy it!!!!! :)
