Monday, November 12, 2012

Post-Vacation Weigh-In 11/12/2012

Previous:    168.0
Today:        173.4
Gain!:           +5.4

Yuck, lol. I expected it, but it still sucks. I am not sure how much is water / flight gain and how much is actual weight gain, I'm hoping this week will show how much weight I actually gained. Either way, I know I deserved a gain - as you will see from the following pictures. I walked a shit ton compared to the last visit - because I finally could. It was nice to walk 8+ miles a day (I loved taking the pedometer) and still having energy.

I had a great time, I have nothing to complain about because I was on a vacation while so many others are having it rough right now - I shall sucketh it up and throw on the liquid diet for a few weeks and get back on track.

She was amazing.

Because let's face it, when you get right down to it I'm childish.

My  flight seat belt not only fit, but had lots of leftover!

It's entirely made of... chocolate.

The beautiful Venetian canals.

Yep, that's right, fountain-o-chocolate.

Frequenting a dark little Irish Pub.
I start a volleyball league tonight. Slightly nervous, slightly happy that I get a chance to work off this weight this week coupled with my liquid breakfast and lunch.

Missed you all, I will work diligently on reading back and commenting!


  1. 5 1/2 pounds is a small price to pay for all the fun and sights. You will get it off and pretty quickly I am sure. Keep calm and carry on.

  2. Looks like it was an awesome trip! I bet a lot of the gain was from water, salt, flight, etc. etc. You'll get it off in no time!

    Enjoy your volleyball! I used to play in high school, and I miss it.

  3. Joining a volleyball league sounds like a fun way to drop some pounds! Hope it goes well :)

  4. I'm sure some of your vacation fun is just stuck in your digestive system. Sounds like a fabulous vacation!
